What is the solution when experiencing constipation?

My problem is I have constipation.My friend advised me to drink herbal slimming tea to lose weight and contaminate. Is it good for me?

Question: My problem is I have constipation.My friend advised me to drink herbal slimming tea to lose weight and contaminate. Is it good for me?

Answer: I recommend not to drink herbal tea. There is a potential side effect that is harmful to health. Most of the slimming tea also contains senna. Yes, you can poop.when you drink it. But it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and loss of potassium in the blood. It's not safe.

There are also medications that can make you poop such as bisacodyl (a laxative) prescribed by doctors. It can be taken one at a time only, but it's also bad in the long run. When you continuous consumption of laxatives or slimming tea, be dependent (or train) to drink it. And when you stop drinking it,.that;s the time you will experience severe constipation.

So if you want to lose weight, have a balanced diet. Reduce sweets and fatty foods. Exercise regularly. Do not rely on slimming tea.

If the problem is you can't poop, follow these tips:

1. Eat more vegetables that are high in fiber such as spinach, gourd, okra, and horseradish. Try to eat 2 cups of vegetables per day.

2. Eat fruits like papaya, watermelon, and pear. Eating the equivalent of 2 cups of fruit a day.

3. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Water is important. When lack of water, your waste is like a rock.

4. Move your body. Walk or jog. Jump and dance to the accelerated movement of your intestines.

5. Laugh often. Laughter is also a kind of exercise. Shaken your stomach and entire body.

6. Ranges itself to defecate on time. For example, every morning the time of your bowel movements. In this way, train your body to follow this schedule.

7. Check your medications. There are medications that cause constipation such as pain medication and so on.

8. When you have these tips and your stool is still has a problem, consult your doctor to check it.

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