What to do during and after the landslides?

What to do during and after the landslides?

Erosion (landslide) - can be more rock, earth, or debris (scattered) streaming to the parcel. It is formed during heavy rain and rapidly accumulated water on earth and become a flowing river of mud or "slurry." Can flow quickly, ripping and without warning with the speed of more avalanche (an avalanche of snow). It may also shed a few miles from the origin, and the growing size while drawing trees, rocks, cars, and other things.

Here are some tips to do

  1. Evacuate immediately if warning of landslide or mudflow.
  2. Stay away from the path of collapsing soil or debris, hide behind a sturdy tree or rock.
  3. Exit the building once you have felt a rumbling sound or shaking of the earth from the flowing water, it is possible mudflow coming.
  4. Run up the slope, not down.

What to do after a landslide

  1. Instruct the authority to crack the damaged buildings and equipment before occupying the facility.
  2. Check with caution if you have any injured or trapped in the slide area.
  3. Listen to radio or television for the latest emergency information.
  4. Stay away from the slide area, then follow it.
  5. Get help from geotechnical experts to assess the risk of landslides or designing techniques to reduce soil erosion.

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