Why its hard for me to constipation?

The constipation is a condition in which the hard and painful bowel movements. If you have not become warped three days, it could also be constipated.
The constipation is a condition in which the hard and painful bowel movements. If you have not become warped three days, it could also be constipated.

Constipation can cause hemorrhoids, and be involved in heart disease and a hernia. We advise with heart disease not to push for a long time because they can attack the heart.

There are risk factors or reasons why  a person can't contaminate

1. Lack of eating fruits and vegetables. We need to eat 2 cups of fruit and 2 cups of vegetables per day.

2. Lack of drinking water. So let us drink 8 glasses of water a day.

3. Exercises dirt and no regular time for bowel movements. Should have regular hours of pollution.

4. Lack of exercise. The proper workout is 30 minutes to an hour a day. Do this 3 to 5 times per week.

5. Pregnant women and adults are often difficult to this. Because it slows down the movement of their bowels.

Medication for constipation:

Missed when natural treatment, you can resort to drugs occasionally. The call of the drugs Pollutants is laxatives. There are different types of laxatives.

May Pollutants fast effect and slow the effects of pollutants. Safer use Pollutants slow effect.

1. Pollutants fast effects - These drugs, such as Bisacodyl 5 mg tablet, can discolor within 8 to 12 hours. But when you are trained in medicine would be constipated ka. Check first with your doctor before taking it.

2. Pollutants slower effect - Medicines such as lactulose (brand name Duphalac) is provided by 1 or 2 tablespoons at night. This is prescribed by doctors for the elderly, have heart disease, stroke, and bedridden patients. Can also Psyllium fiber (Metamucil brand name). 1 sachet mixed in a glass of water and drink 1 or 2 times a day. Soften your stools after 2 or 3 days.

Remember: Consult a doctor before taking this medication. Also, consult your doctor if you are thin, blood is detected in the stool, or race with cancer of the intestine. Do not blindly take the medications and herbal slimming tea and may not apply to you.

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