Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Splint review 2018

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disease of people always used their hands. Symptoms include numbness of the hands caused by a pinched nerve

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disease of people always used their hands. Symptoms include numbness of the hands caused by a pinched nerve, the Median Nerve, the area of our wrist.

To prevent Carpal Tunnel, here we must do:

1. Rest the hands per hour while working.

2. Reduce the power and force of hand.

3. Do not bend the hand. When incorrect posture of your hand, can be wedged in the median nerve. It should be straight ahead the wrist when typing.

4. Exercise hand. There is a special exercise for Carpal Tunnel. Raise your hands, and rolling in circles with you. Use the circular wrist action. Its purpose is to ease the passage again trapped median nerve.

5. Raise hands while relaxing. Better to hold your hand on the seat or on your chest.

6. Put the hand while sleeping. It's important! Do not place a hand on the head while sleeping. Perhaps wedged the median nerve. Also, do not let your hands hanging beside the bed. The correct position is putting a hand on his chest or lays hands on the pillow at your side.

7. Splint or can put a wedge in hand. Take a strip of stiff cardboard. I tape it under your palm and wrist. Its purpose is to not be able to bend your hand when sleeping.

8. When swollen and aching hands, apply an ice pack. Get ice. Put on plastic and wrap it in a towel. Apply directly to your wrist for 15 minutes. This can reduce the swelling of the hand.

9. Do not wrap the hand. Do not put a bandage wristband or in your hand. May prevent the blood flow to the hand.

Cut back on salt in the diet and lose weight too. The salt is full of water in our body. Because of this, inflamed our hands and that just caught the median nerve. Also, if you are overweight. your wrist is fat and can be wedged your tendon.

10. You can take Vitamin B complex. It is not yet certain, but tend to help the B6 vitamin for nerves (nerves).

11. When the pain, can take Mefenamic Acid 500 mg capsule. This will help in reducing pain and inflammation. Do not do every day the pain medication. It is also bad in the long run.

12. To be sure if you have Carpal Tunnel, consult an orthopedic surgeon doctor

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