What Best Sauce for our Bodies?

DO YOU have to use the sauce in your food? Would you like to know what sauce is good for our bodies and what's wrong?

Do you have to use the sauce in your food? Would you like to know what sauce is good for our bodies?

Good sauce:

1. Ketchup - the ketchup is good for the body because it is made with tomato lycopene full of difficulties. Resistant to prostate cancer and other diseases. The tomato sauce for spaghetti is very good. Reduce the diet of hotdogs and meatballs.

2. White vinegar - the white vinegar lowers blood sugar. It also lowers the appetite. So if you have diabetes or excess weight, use vinegar as a salad sauce, fish and meat. Two tablespoons of vinegar per meal are enough to help your body.

3. Lime -high in vitamin C that our immune system. Be careful with the use of lime and vinegar because it can cause stomach acidity. Mix it with food and drinks not concentrated.

Quite commute sauce:

1. Soy sauce and fish sauce - not bad if you just took for granted all the tools. But because of its saltiness, it can worsen high blood pressure and swollen feet. Some cancer specialists are saying that might trigger cancer cells in our body.

2. Anchovies - like soy sauce and fish sauce, it's too much salt.The advice is to persevere just to blend your food. No need to add salt to the food.

3. Chili or hot sauce - the chili can cause ulcers and hemorrhoids. Tender and the juices irritate the stomach and nerves of the posterior. This is a cause of hemorrhoids. When you eat also too much spicy.. it will also appear in your sweat and you'll have the odor or body odor.

4. Mayonnaise and Thousand Island dressing - the problem with too much mayonnaise is it fattening. High in calories. Use just a little.

5. Gravy Sauce - there are just gravy liquid mixture and not how fattening. But some gravy made with lard, butter, and fat. This increases our bad cholesterol and could also choke the roots of our heart (heart attack) and brain (stroke). Slow down meal.

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