
A cough is a body reaction to remove colds, sputum, and other lethal and airways. A cough and frequency have different characteristics

What is Cough?

A cough is a body reaction to remove colds, sputum, and other lethal and airways. A cough and frequency have different characteristics, it is a symptom of lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and common colds. Throat pain often occurs when a cough is severe.

Many types of a cough can hold on to the body. Other types are not dangerous and carry only partial delays while more serious cases can be caused by serious illnesses.

1. A productive Cough - It includes colds and sputum. The throat usually endures when there is a productive cough.

2. A non-productive Cough - It does not include sputum and may result from infection, virus, and allergies.

3. A short-term or an Acute Cough - It is usually healed within 3 weeks. It can be contagious depending on the illness it causes.

3. Sub Acute Cough - This cough remains after healing in a cough and cold and other lung and airway infections. It lasts about 3 to 8 weeks.

4. A chronic Cough - It is back and forth and can take up to 8 weeks. This classification belongs to bronchitis and asthma.

A cough is usually easy to cure but if it causes severe anxiety, do not hesitate to consult the doctor. This may be a symptom of a more serious illness.

Causes of a Cough

Because it is a product of various diseases, allergies, and irritants in the respiratory system, many can cause a cough. Check with your doctor if coughing is severe and seems chronic.

1. Virus

2. Infections

3. Smoking

4. Cancer

5. Emphysema

6. Nasal discharge

7. Chronic pulmonary disease

8. Asthma

9. Bronchitis

10. Inhalation of dust, smoke, and chemicals

11. Blocking something in the throat and airway

Symptoms of a Cough

A cough is a symptom of a disease but may experience other symptoms depending on the condition of a cough:

1. Cold and phlegm

2.  Headache

3. Difficulty in breathing

4. Knee and sore throat

5. Chest pain

6. Wheezing or coughing with a cough

The symptoms of sputum are signs of coughing infections:

1. Appetite, green or yellowish - Pain is often contagious. Based on color, the sputum may have abscess or pus. It is usually cough and cold, pneumonia and bronchitis.

2. Gray or clear and less viscous - It usually releases the body when there is asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or a recurrent cough.

3. Includes blood - It can be a symptom of lung infection or pain. It can be symptomatic of serious illnesses like lung cancer, TB, and pneumonia.

4 Pink and foamy colors - This is a common symptom of pulmonary edema or excessive lung fluid increase.

A serious cough, especially with sputum, may cause weakness, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and fever.

When to go to the hospital?

The usual cough cases do not require consulting with the doctor. In fact, it can speed up the healing when giving enough rest and take over-the-counter cough medicine or cough medicine that does not require a prescription.

But if a cough lasts for two weeks or you have blood in sputum, chest pain and sudden weight loss, visit your doctor and consult.

Drugs and Cough Remedies

A simple cough and cold cough may be healed and do not require hospitalization. There are many types of cough medicine that can be taken, as well as home remedies.

1. Rest and drink plenty of water

2. Cough medicine that stops the production of sputum like guaifenesin

3. Cough suppressant or medicines that stop a cough

4. Quitting smoking

5. Avoiding smoke, dirt, and air pollution

For a cough that is galling bacteria, you are prescribed by the antibiotic doctor. The antihistamine will be administered when a cough and antacid are accompanied by coagulant hyperacidity. It is also necessary to cure the pain that causes sputum production to completely cough up.

How to Stop Coat?

A cough can be anybody else. To avoid, it is important to appreciate hygiene and health. Also, vaccinate to avoid a severe cough.

1. Avoid people who are coughing. If not preventable, cover the nose and mouth mask.

2. Stop or avoid smoking.

3. Drink plenty of water to thaw the sputum and release germs into the body

4. Regularly wash hands especially when a cough and flu are inexpensive.

Get flu vaccine and pneumonia. Exercise daily for increased resistance. Please consult your doctor if your cough continues to give you proper treatment for your illness.

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