Three Reasons Why You Need Vitamin B

Many of us are working every day. because of this, it is inevitable to get tired or sick, especially in joints or muscles.

Many of us are working every day. because of this, it is inevitable to get tired or sick, especially in joints or muscles. to be safe from this, vitamins are important in our body, in order to have energy and energy for the tasks. One of these is Vitamin B.

Learn some of the Benefits that this Vitamin can Provide:

Reason # 1: To avoid lack of feeling in other parts of the body

Vitamin B is important for the prevention of dyspnea, or the lack of feeling and tremor of some parts of the body. The shoulder, legs, hands, and feet usually tend to dangle.

Vitamin B suppresses our nerve cells, in order not to lose them and cause pain and weakness of the nerves. It also restores the proper flow of blood to the body, losing the feeling of relaxation.

Excessive stress in the body with physical work is one of the most common causes of relief. If a work involves painting, construction, repair, driving, cleaning, or other physical work, it can increase Vitamin B in the body to prevent the negative effects of it.

Reason # 2: To make the nervous system healthy

Except for the prevention or removal of the gastrointestinal tract, Vitamin B Complex also benefits the health of the entire nervous system. These vitamins are important to enhance the body's nerve function, to ensure that the brain and spinal cord and brain development are well organized, and to provide us with the right amount of energy for the day.

When B-vitamins are lacking in the body, we lose our nerves. It is also the weakening of our physical well-being - we can no longer work properly, and we will find it difficult to do our work. Here are some of the possible conditions that can be obtained as a result of low levels of Vitamin B:

Loss of Sensation: If Vitamin B12 is lacking, itching and shaking hands, legs and feet.

Muscular Atrophy: The Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause muscle weakness and deterioration

Loss of Control: There is no control over the daily action if Vitamin B is not enough in the body

Paralysis: There is a tendency to be crippled if there is an extreme deficiency of B-Vitamins

Neuritis: Nerves are inflamed if Vitamin B1 and B6 are not enough. It can bring sudden illness, tremors, and lack of control over muscles or muscles.

Neuralgia: Severe illness due to nerve or damaged nerve, the head and face often develop neuralgia when lacking in Vitamins B1 and B6.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The Vitamin B6 deficiency is due to the destruction of one of the major nerves in the hands and arm. Some of these symptoms are numbness, tremor, and weakness.

As all these conditions are related to movement and physical activity, it is very important to keep Vitamin B levels normal in the body.

Reason # 3: To increase productivity at work

Vitamin B is also good for productivity. Long work hours are hard to work within a day. If you have enough Vitamin B in the body, we will experience the following benefits:

Strength and endurance of the body: Vitamin B avoids us with numbness and weakening of the body, just to work.

Prevention of body aches: Vitamin B Complex is a good way to prevent muscle and joint pain caused by high physical stress in the body.

Normal sleep: Vitamin B6 and B12 increase serotonin and melatonin, hormone-fixing sleep. If you get enough rest, you will also have the right energy level to deal with the next day.

Increase energy: Vitamin B1 protects fatigue or fatigue. That is, we can work all day long.

Sources of Vitamin B

Now that we know the good effects of Vitamin B, find out the sources of this vitamin. When it comes to food, Vitamin B levels are high in pork, chicken, salmon, bread, rice, potatoes, crabs, and mussels. In addition, there is a medicine or supplement to increase B-vitamins in the body, such as Vitamin B Complex tablets. Consult a doctor to advise how to take proper care of it, so we do not have to work hard in everyday life.

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