What Foods I need To Feed my Baby When There Is a Fever

Fever is not a disease, but a symptom of the disease. Children develop a fever if the body has an infection or illness.

Fever is not a disease, but a symptom of the disease. Children develop a fever if the body has an infection or illness. It's just a body reaction, so it is important to keep the child warm when it is fever because it can result in pain. However, it often disappears because it is only a reaction to the body of the child if it affects infection or illness. These are the symptoms of a fever:

  1. Temperature above 37.8 ° C
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Heavy feeling
  4. Sickness or joints
  5. Headaches
  6. Seizures
  7. Cold sweats
  8. Vomiting

Due to these symptoms, this experience is unpleasant for children. Especially for small children who are less familiar with it, it is difficult to have a fever. Because of this, it is important to give them proper care to make them comfortable even when they have a fever. And of course, they should give proper nutrition to their fever quickly. Children who have a fever should take high calorie, high protein, low fat and lots of fluids. In addition, it is important to know that children with fever are more in need of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Calcium, iron, and sodium. It is also important to note that fatty foods and spicy foods are difficult to digest in their bodies and as long as they can be avoided. 

These Are the Foods That can be given to Children with fever

Water: water is important for kids with fever because it helps hydrate them when they have a fever.

Drinks with electrolyte: drinks rich in electrolytes help to hydrate kids with fever.

Carrot juice: The carrot is rich in beta-carotene and it carries the body's vitamin A to increase the white blood cells that are resistant to bacteria and viruses.

Fruit juices: fruits such as orange and lemon rich in vitamin c help strengthen the immune system of children. To make it fun for kids, you can make popsicles or ice pops. Make sure that they do not have sore throats because of poor colds and drinks in a sore throat.

Milk: because children need high protein diet every time they have a fever, milk is good for them.

Eggs: the eggs are also rich in protein and are good for kids with fever.

Chicken soup: chicken is also rich in protein and soup helps to provide comfort to children who has a fever.

Arroz Caldo: cook Arroz Caldo using brown rice because it is high in fiber and it needs daily nutrition of a child who has a fever.

Additional right care tips

If the child does not eat well, do not force he/her to eat. They can eat slowly so they can still get the right nutrition they need.

  1. Make sure the child has enough rest to make it feel good.
  2. They can also give the child a sponge bath with warm water to keep them comfortable.
  3. Make sure they wear thin clothing and wrap them in thin blankets so they can feel the comfortable feeling and do not sweat fast.
  4. Make sure the room is not too hot or cold for them to be comfortable while sleeping.
  5. Because the baby who has a fever can easily sweat, try to check their clothes always if they need to change.
  6. If the fever is back and forth, consult the Doctor.
  7. If the child is being convulsed, go straight to the Doctor.
  8. If the child has frequent urinary incontinence, consult the Doctor.
  9. If the child is experiencing severe headache or body, consult the Doctor.

    Children's resistance is usually weak, so parents need to make sure their health is good. Improving health and strengthening the disease's resistance to these techniques: providing the right foods, ensuring that their rest and vitamins are enough.

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