The important things you need to know about Leptospirosis

Here is what you need to know about the leptospirosis  disease

Here is what you need to know about the leptospirosis  disease 

1. Leptospirosis is a disease of leptospira bacteria found in animals such as rats, dogs, cattle, pigs, horses, and insectivores (animals that live by eating insects).

2. The rat urine is a cause of leptospirosis and can enter the human body through broken skin or mucous membranes (lines or cover in some areas adjacent to the skin, the nose, mouth, lips, eyelids, ears, genitals, and razor dirt).

3. It may take up to 10 days before seeing the signs, but in other situations is 2 days or perhaps a 30 days after exposure to the bacteria one.

4. may include bleeding disease of the skin and mucous membranes (including pulmonary bleeding), vomiting, diarrhea, and rash.

5. Doxycycline is the drug currently recommended by the DOH to prevent leptospirosis exposed to bacteria and risk of disease. However, doxycycline is not fully protective of leptospirosis. When a fever after taking this medicine, you should consult a doctor immediately for evaluation. The Doxycycline is not recommended for pregnant women or children under 8 years old.

The doxycycline can cause jaundice and tan teeth of children under 8 years old.

Here are the Symptoms of Leptospirosis

1. High fever
2. cold
3. Muscle pain
4. Conjunctivitis
5. A severe headache
6. Dark colored urine
7. Some urination
8. Jaundice 

How to avoid leptospirosis

1. Use boots when  walking in flood water
2. Use gloves and boots when cleaning up the environment after the flood.
3. Do not swim in flood water or contaminated water.
4. Remove the rats.
5. Maintain cleanliness in the home and environment.
6. Address asset fever lasts 2 days, especially the one who walks in the flood water, immediately go to the nearby health center for appropriate relief.

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