Best Review About Scurvy

Scurvy is a malnutrition disease caused by a diet that is deficient in vitamin C. Symptoms of adult scurvy include swelling and bleeding of the gums

Scurvy is a malnutrition disease caused by a diet that is deficient in vitamin C. Symptoms of adult scurvy include swelling and bleeding of the gums, tenderness of joints and muscles rough, dry, discolored skin, poor healing of wounds and increased susceptibility to bruising and infection. Because vitamin C facilitated by anemia.

An infant with scurvy experiences joins pain that causes him to assume a position called the "scorbutic pose" in which he is comfortable only when lying on his back with his knees partially bent and his thighs turned outward. The vitamin C deficiency makes the infant's bones less capable of retaining calcium and phosphorus causing them to become weak eventually brittle.

Scurvy responds dramatically, usually in two or three days' time, to the daily administration of 100 to 200 milligrams of vitamin C. In treating complications such as anemia and bone changes, as a well-balanced diet high in protein and iron is also necessary to promote tissue repair.

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