Things you Need To Know About Tooth and Gum Disorders

Cavities (dental caries) are the primary dental problem in the united states, Most cavities are caused by persistent eating of refined sugars and starches,

Cavities (dental caries) are the primary dental problem in the united states, Most cavities are caused by persistent eating of refined sugars and starches, which mix with saliva to form an acid that erodes tooth enamel. One can control cavities by avoiding refined carbohydrate. Foods eating a nutritionally balanced diet and properly cleansing the mouth, including brushing both teeth and gums and cleaning between the teeth with dental floss following meals and snacks.

Although cavities are the major dental disease, a condition known as periodontitis accounts for the loss of more teeth than do cavities. Periodontitis, an inflammation of the gums and the bones that surround and support the teeth, can accompany mouth and upper respiratory infections, or it may be caused by poor fillings, poorly fitting dentures, improper cleansing of teeth and gums, or inadequate diet. Periodontitis begins as a condition known as gingivitis, in which the gums redden, swell, and tend to bleed. If not treated, gingivitis can lead to pyorrhea. characterized by further gum inflammation accompanied by a continuous discharge of pus, gum recession, and loosening of teeth.

Although all vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper formations and continued health of the teeth an adequate vitamin C intake is especially helpful for the prevention of gingivitis and pyorrhea, while a deficiency of it causes teeth to loosen and break down. Vitamin A seems to control the development and general health of the gums; a lack of this vitamin often results in gum infection. Vitamin A is also necessary for the formation and maintenance of tooth development in children minerals important for healthy teeth are sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium.

A varied diet of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, meat, and whole-grain bread will provide the teeth and gums with needed exercise and supply the body with vitamins and minerals essential for dental health.

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